Mihai Hurmuz


Mihai Hurmuz, M.D., is an Orthopaedic surgeon at the Clinical Emergency Military Hospital from Timisoara and an Assistant Teaching Professor at the 3rd Orthopaedic Discipline from “Victor Babes” Medicine and Pharmacy from Timisoara. He is a passionate about sports medicine, reconstructive surgery and has a particular interest in knee, shoulder and ankle surgery. Along the years has attended many hands-on courses around Europe and has benefited from several Fellowships. The two AO Fellowships, in Austria under the supervision of Prof. Bendetto, former ESSKA president, and Lisbon allowed him to gain experience and meet experienced surgeons. The last experience was a ESSKA-AGA Travelling Fellowship on Joint Preservation for 2 weeks that offered the opportunity to interreact with great surgeons, attend impressive surgeries and discuss state-of-the-art treatments for different knee and shoulder pathologies.